Spiced Lamb Chops with Mustard Seed Slaw and Chat Masala Potatoes

I love any kind of spiced marinaded lamb and after several tries, I think I might have found the perfect lamb marinade. If you can, do marinade the chops in the fridge overnight. It just helps the flavours to really sink into the meat and make it extra tender and juicy. Inspired by my recent trips to Mowgli Street Food, I served the chops with a red cabbage and carrot slaw for a refreshing accompaniment and the chaat masala potatoes from Ottolenghi’s ‘Shelf Love’. I cannot rate this potato dish highly enough - each mouthful was a flavour explosion. All I can say is make them - you will not regret it, and paired with the lamb? marriage made in heaven.

spiced lamb chops

For six lamb chops:
1. Combine 250g full fat yoghurt with 1 heaped tbsp of grated ginger, four crushed garlic cloves and the juice of a lemon. Add 1.5 tbsp of cumin and paprika, 3/4 tsp of cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, and fenugreek, 1 tsp turmeric, 1/4 tsp chilli powder, 1/2 tsp ground coriander and 1 tsp garam masala. Mix well, add 1 tsp sea salt flakes and add the chops so they are well coated in the marinade. Cover with cling film and leave in the fridge overnight.
2. Allow the chops to come up to room temperature 30 mins before cooking and heat your grill to its highest setting. Brush off any excess marinade, lightly drizzle the chops with oil and put on a wire rack over a lined tray. Cook to your liking (I went for 4 mins each side for pink meat but it depends how thick your lamb chops are).

For the slaw:
1. Finely shred half a red cabbage and add to a bowl with a couple of grated carrots and a finely sliced red onion. Finely chop a red chilli and add to the bowl with plenty of freshly chopped coriander, a handful of roughly chopped toasted salted peanuts and a handful of raisins.
2. For the dressing, fry 1 heaped tbsp of black mustard seeds and cumin seeds in 50ml vegetable oil until fragrant. Once cool add the juice of a lemon, 1 tbsp red wine vinegar and a good squeeze of honey. Taste and adjust the seasoning. Pour over the slaw 30 mins before serving and serve with the chops.


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