Elderflower and Yoghurt Pannacotta with Lemon Basil Shortbread and Macerated Strawberries

If you’re looking for a perfect, light and summery pudding then look no further than this vanilla and elderflower pannacotta. I added some natural yoghurt to the pannacotta which gave it a slightly firmer texture and subtle sourness which went really well with the sweetness in the rest of the dish. The ideal make ahead dinner party dessert.

pannacotta with shortbread and strawberries

Serves 4 1. Combine 100mls of whole milk with 250mls of double cream and 40g caster sugar in a saucepan. Add the seeds from a scraped out vanilla pod and the empty husks along with 2 tbsps of elderflower cordial. Heat gently until the sugar has dissolved and leave to infuse for at least 30 mins. 2. Once the mixture has infused for at least 30 mins, reheat very gently over a low hear and soak 2 gelatine leaves in cold water for 5 mins until soft and floppy. 3. Squeeze the excess moisture from the gelatine and add to the warm cream mixture, stirring until dissolved. Remove the vanilla pod and leave the mixture to cool to room temperature. 4. Once cool, add 150ml of natural yoghurt and stir. Pour into four 125ml moulds and leave to set in the fridge for at least five hours, or ideally overnight. 5. For the shortbread, mix 125g of softened unsalted butter with 55g caster sugar until very light and fluffy (you can use a wooden spoon or electric beaters). Next add half a bunch of finely chopped basil and the zest of a lemon, mix until incorporated before adding 200g sifted plain flour. Mix until the flour is just incorporated then very briefly bring the dough together. Roll into a sausage shape roughly 6cm wide, cover with clingfilm and refrigerate for 30 mins until firm. 6. Cut the shortbread into rounds roughly 1cm thick and place on a parchment lined baking tray - leaving enough space as the shortbread will spread slightly. Chill the shortbreads again for 30 mins before baking. 7. Heat the oven to 160C/140C fan and bake for 15-20 mins until golden and the rounds can be picked up on the tray. When the shortbread are still warm, sprinkle with a little more caster sugar. Leave to cool. 8. For the strawberries, slice into quarters and add to a bowl with a sprinkling of caster sugar, 1/2 tbsp of balsamic vinegar, and a good grinding of black pepper. Mix well and leave to macerate for at least 30 mins. 9. When ready to serve, dip the pannacotta in hot water for a couple of seconds, run a sharp knife around the edge and turn out onto a plate. Serve with the strawberries and shortbread and some fresh mint sprigs.


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